Top 10 post Veganuary reflections

“I have been blown away by how easy it has been to be vegan”

Ok, so as promised my top 10 reflections from my Veganuary……..

1. Plant milk is better than cow’s milk

This has to me the most life changing thing to come out of my Veganuary. I am never going back to dairy milk. I love all plant based milks. Soya is great in tea and in cooking sauces etc but it isn’t as kind on the environment as oat milk, which requires far less water to produce and is equally as versatile. Coconut & almond milks are great for anything sweet, especially cereal. The only down side is that I now buy 4 types of milk each week!

2. Meat is massively over-rated

And I was a definite meat eater before January. If I’m honest I could almost have been a little ‘judgy’ of vegans before I tried it. Before, I would say that 90% of our meals centred around meat/ fish in some form or other. I have been so surprised that I haven’t missed meat at all. I thought I would be dying to get back to my carnivorous ways come 1st Feb but if anything I’m nervous to eat meat again and I don’t see myself eating it again any time soon. This has been by far the biggest surprise of Veganuary

3. Our vegan dinners have been some of the tastiest meals we’ve ever eaten

A common misconception of the meat eater is that it is the meat in a meal that gives it flavour but that could not be further from the truth. We have been using so many fresh herbs and spices in our food that the flavours have been unbelievable. From spice filled curries to herby pasta dishes and aromatic falafels, it has been a revolution for the palette.

4. Hurrah for lentils

I have always liked lentils but I never knew how to cook them or what to put them in but I have discovered how versatile they are. Lentil shepherds pie and lentil bolognese not to mention in salads and stews and best of all, my boys love them too!! A double mum win!!!

5. Vegan cheese is not nice

I’m sorry, I know I might get shot down for this but vegan cheese is bad, so so bad! I tried a few but they seem to be coconut based. It is cheesy but coconutty. It’s so weird, it’s sweet and cheesy, it’s just horrible. This is the main reason for my vegan….. ish! I love cheese and a life without just doesn’t seem likely. If you can recommend a good vegan cheese I’m willing to keep trying to find a good alternative.

Cheese…….. my vegan Everest!!!

6. Vegan junk food is a thing

You can be forgiven for thinking that a vegan diet is automatically healthier…….. wrong!! Being vegan has suddenly become very popular. This has not gone unnoticed by large food manufacturers and they are all striving to create vegan alternatives to our favourite vices. Vegan sweets, vegan chocolate, vegan ice cream, vegan sausage rolls, vegan pizza….. you name it and it’s available. Being a healthy vegan just got a lot harder!!!

7. Go Nuts!!!

Adding nuts to your favourite recipes gives fantastic texture not to mention they’re a great source of healthy fats and protein. A handful of cashews in a stir fry or pine nuts in a salad gives an amazing ‘crunch’. I have found that I have become a much more mindful eater, textures, smells and flavours have all been heightened.

8. Eating out can still be challenging

If there’s one thing that gets under my skin it’s fussy eaters. I hate it when you go to a restaurant and someone is all ‘can I have that pasta dish but with the sauce from the chicken?’ or ‘I don’t like coriander, can you make all my food without it?’………. just eat it!!!!! Being a vegan has turned me into a fussy eater when eating out, ‘is there milk in that?’, ‘can I have that without cheese?’ Although there are many more vegan options now than in previous years, I still found eating out a challenge and a bit anxiety inducing.

9. There are health benefits even in just one month

Like most women, I’d like to lose a few pounds, unfortunately this hasn’t happened in the last month however, I’m not disheartened. There have been so many other health benefits. It is hard to describe the mental clarity that I feel since starting a vegan diet, no more afternoon brain fog. I have slept so well, no more mid-night waking. So many people have said that my skin and hair is ‘glowing’. Better digestive health….. say no more and I didn’t realise I was bloated before but I feel so much better now.

10. Being vegan has been the easiest diet I’ve ever tried

Despite some of the challenges, I have not felt deprived at all. I have been blown away by how easy it has been to be a vegan. How satisfying I have found our new veg based diet and how little I miss my old vices. I have never been so successful at making changes to my diet and I have made some lifelong changes to my die5 and that of the whole family. I can not recommend trying a vegan diet enough! Give it a try.

So there you have it, my Veganuary top 10. I think this should be enough for anyone to give veganism a try. So stop reading and starting planning your first vegan meals!

Thanks for reading. See you again soon.

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